

Monday, May 25, 2020

May 25, 2020

Dear Parents;

I would like to thank the parents and children for all your prayers and support during my husband illness. I was very tough, however he is dong very well, and will be out of the hospital this week.

Tomorrow I will begin making phone calls to see how you and tour child are doing, also to help you with your concerns about your child. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them. Zoom Lessons will begin. Tuesday at 11:30 AM, Wednesday 11:30, Thursday 11:30, and on Friday at 11:00.

Also,   you could  pick up your child's package at the school office from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. These are activities will be for your child to do classwork at home. It would be a great idea to acquire the rest of the booklets so that your child can use them for classwork and their summer vacation. Please bring shopping bags for the booklets. As you may know school will en on June 20th, 2020.

Lessons for May 25, 2020

Pray:  Our Father

Pledge of Allegiance:

  • Ask your child what the colors of the flag means : red means courage; white means peace and purity; blue means justice.
  • How many stars are in the american flag (50).

Vocabulary Words: mother, move, Mary, miracles, muffins, mittens, monkey, money, mouse

  • First, have your child spell May.
  • Then ask him for words with initial sound /m/.
  • Then ask: How many days we have in a week?   What day are we in? What is the date? (Say day, month, number, year) Example: Today is Tuesday May 25, the year 2020.
  • Have the children count forward from 1-10, and from 10 to 1.
  • Count in ordinals from 1st- 5th.


The Good Shepherd

Aim: The children will learn to appreciate that people who loves us and take care us want good things for us. 

Vocabulary Words: care, safe, love

Aim:The children will learn to appreciate that people who loves us and take care us want good things for us.

Vocabulary Words: safe, care, love, help

  • First talk about how families take care of each others and keeps us safe.
  • Then ask: What happened to Little Ridding Hood?
  • Then I will tell your child that I will listen and watch The Parable of the Lost Sheep.
  • Then  review the story with your child.
  • Then I will tell your child how God keeps us safe; call each one of us by our name He  knows each intimately even if there are many sheep; He patient, and never gets tired of calling and reaching us even we are far away; and never gets tired of guiding us and keeping us safe.
  • Then ask your child to answer the following questions: What do The Good Shepherd do to his sheep? How does The Good Shepherd keeps you safe? How would you show The Good Shepherd you you are one of his sheep? What the The Good Shepherd teach us? (Take care of one another.)
  • I will explain to your child that no matter how or where they decide to go, God will be there for them, because he cares and he cares for us no matter what we do. 
  • Summarize what he/she has learned.


Initial Y y

Aim: The children will learn to recognize the sound /y/ in initial position.

Vocabulary Words: yak, yellow, yarn, yogurt, year, yolk, yawn, yard

  • First, display uppercase Y and lowercase y to your child.
  • Then introduce the sound of /y/.
  • Then have your child view  Hello Carrie:
  • Then introduce initial /y/ as in yellow.
  • Then I will ask:What words begins with initial /y/ in the song “Yellow”? What other words do you know that begin with /y/? Can you invent a word with initial /y/?
  • Use concept cards to practice recognizing initial /y/.
  • Then ask your child to use the words in a sentence.


Reviewing Patterns

Aim: Copy and extend rhythm and movement patterns. 

Vocabulary Words: rhythm, movement, pattern

  • First I recite your child’s name several times, clapping as as I say each syllables.
  • Then have  your child join in as he/she become familiar with the rhythm.
  • Then repeat with with other names.
  • Then model  a simple sound pattern, such as clap/snap, clap/snap.
  • Have your child join in when they’re familiar with the pattern.
  • Then  repeat with other simple movement to form these patterns: AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, and AB.
  • Have your child make a variety of sounds using classroom objects, such as hitting two blocks together or tapping a on the table with a pencil.
  • Then form a rhythm band by you make one sound and your child another.
  • Finally ask the following questions: Can you repeat the pattern? How would you make that pattern? Can you create your own pattern.


Animal Homes

Aim:The children will:
  • Identify animal habitats.
  • Understand animals have different characteristics that enable them to live in different habitats.

Vocabulary Words: ocean, pond,  land, cold, habitat

  • First ask your child: What kind of animals do you think you would see if you went for a walk in the park in your neighborhood? Where else would they see animals?
  • Then talk about the ocean and I will ask: What animals live in this place? What other animals you know live in the ocean? Which place you think is very cold? Why? Where does the owl live, on land or in the ocean?
  • Then  point out the ocean water is salty, and so different animals live in oceans than in fresh water found in lakes, ponds rivers, and streams.
  • Then have your child view Sea Animals:
  • Then go over special adaptations that animals have to them live in different places (e.g., The polar bears have huge feet shaped like snowshoes  to help it walk over the snow, and  it has heavy coat and a thick layer of fat to keep it warm.)
  • Then I will ask the children to use picture clues to answer questions.
  • Then I will ask: What habitat the owl lives? (land) What would happen to the owl if you took it to a very cold place to live like the polar bear's home?
  • Finally review forest and ocean.

Story Time

The Three Little Pigs

Aim: The children will listen to "The Three Little Pigs" and recognize the main idea.

Vocabulary Words: huff, puff, straw, bricks, wooden sticks

  • First talk about the construction of a house, such as materials and style.
  • The I then ask the children which one is they think is the strongest:
  • Then I will tell the children to listen carefully because they are going to compare house from the story "The Three Little Pigs":
  • Then I will review the story with your child .
  • Then I will ask the children: Who are the characters in the story? What was the problem the pigs had? How did they solve the problem? Which house was the weakest? Which house was the strongest? If you had to choose a house to live in, which house would you pick to live in? Why?
  • Summarize what we learned.


  • Have your child draw or color.
  • Have your child pray every morning.
  • Read to your child every day and ask questions.
  • Help in the daily chores.
  • Play games on ABCya!
  • Play Alphabet or Number Bingo, I Spy, legos, puzzles, exercise, or meditate.
  • Starfall. com
  • Exercise every day.
  • 10 Easy Science Experiments:


Mrs. Fundora