

Sunday, January 29, 2017

1/30/17 to 2/3/17

Dear Parents,

This Tuesday, January 31st, is Open House 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Parents are invited to come and sit in the classrooms and watch the teaching/learning that goes on daily in the classrooms.  Also, it is Photo Shoot Day - all students in full uniform - no gym clothes. The regional office will be re-doing the school website in the next few months and they are sending in a professional photographer to take pictures of the students in the classrooms, etc.

Report Cards will be distributed on Thursday, February 2nd.  There is noon dismissal this Friday, February 3rd.  Parent-teacher conferences are between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in my classroom.

Classroom Themes/Topics:

Religion - Bible Stories
Math - composing and decomposing shapes
Reading – the letter Kk
Science - Earth’s surface.

Lessons of the Week
Please click here:


Mrs. Fundora

Sunday, January 22, 2017

1/23/17 to 1/27/17

Dear Parents,

There will be one parent workshop for all Pre-K parents. It will be held on Tuesday January 24th at 8:00 AM in the school library. The workshop will focus on “Who’s the Boss”. The presenter will be Ms. Annette Castro.  Parents are urged to attend.

On Tuesday, January 31st, is Touring Tuesday and Open House from 9:00 AM -11:00 AM.  Parents may visit classrooms and be part of the teaching/learning.  On Thursday, February 2nd, Report Card will be distributed.

On Friday, February 3rd, is the Feast of St. Blase. Mass will begin at 9:00 AM. Blessing of Throats will take place at Mass. Parents invited.  Also on Friday, February 3rd, Parent Teacher Conferences between 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM.

In Religion, we are continuing Bible Stories.  Children are composing and decomposing shapes in Math.  Children are working on the letters Ii and Jj, and reviewing rhyming words in Reading.  For Science, our class is discussing sand and soil.

Lessons of the Week 
Please click here:


Mrs. Fundora

Monday, January 16, 2017

1/16/17 to 1/20/17

Dear Parents,

Mr. Woods would like parents to know that there will be no HOT breakfast or lunch served for a number of weeks.  This is due to a gas problem that is being worked on with Con Edison.  Cereals, yogurt etc. will be available for breakfast. Sandwiches, salad and fruits will be available for lunch.  New menus will be available by the end of week as adjustments are made to food deliveries etc.  If you have any questions please see Mr. Woods. Parents should feel free to send lunch with their child if they wish. Mr. Woods will have microwaves available in the lunchroom to heat lunches brought from home to assist parents and students during this transition.

Parents are reminded that the web site has opened for registration. Alba, the school secretary, will also assist any parent in the process and the link is on the school web site of

In Religion, we are continuing our Bible Stories.  In Math, the children are learning shapes in the real world.  The children are reviewing the letter Hh and its corresponding sound in Reading.  The class are also discussing soil and sand in Science.

Lessons of the Week
Please click here:


Mrs. Fundora

Sunday, January 8, 2017

1/9/17 to 1/13/17

Dear Parents,

There is noon dismissal this Monday, January 8th.  Practice at home with your child writing his/her name.  Review shapes and the letters Aa through Jj with your child.

We are learning the different characteristics of animals.  In Religion, we started reading Bible stories.

No school on Monday, January 16th to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.

Lesson Plans of the Week 
Please click here:


Mrs. Fundora

Monday, January 2, 2017

1/3/17 to 1/6/17

Dear Parents,

Thank you for the gifts.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas break.

In Math, we will start shapes and their attributes.  In Religion, we will go into Bible Stories.  In Reading, the class will review the story, "The Elf and the Shoemaker".  In Science, the children will discuss polar animals.

Reminder, Faculty Meetings will now take place on Mondays, not Fridays.

Finally. we need Clorox wipes, baby wipes and paper towels.

Lesson Plans of the Week
Please click here:


Mrs. Fundora