

Thursday, June 11, 2020

June 12, 2020

Dear Parents;

I will be making phone call everyday If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them. Zoom Lessons will be on  Monday at 11:30 AM, Wednesday 11:00, Thursday 11:30 PM, and Friday at 11:00 AM. 

End of the Year Farewell  Zoom has been cancelled due to the fact that there is an outstanding tuition owed in Prek-1. We are sorry for the inconvenient. However, Zoom sessions will continue until June 18. There will be a Parent Teacher conference on June 19th, and June 22 for those parents which tuition payments are up to date. I will be making calls to see what is the best time of the day for you.

I would like to remind you that there are still some work package at the school office from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. These are activities will be for your child to do classwork at home. It would be a great idea to acquire the rest of the booklets so that your child can use them for classwork and their summer vacation. Please bring shopping bags for the booklets. As you may know school will en on June 18th, 2020. There will be a Parent Teacher conference on June 19th, and June 22. I will be making calls to see what is the best time of the day for you.

Lessons for June 12, 2020

Pray:  Our Father

Pledge of Allegiance:

  • Ask your child what the colors of the flag means : red means courage; white means peace and purity; blue means justice.
  • How many stars are in the american flag (50).

Vocabulary Words: jump, joy, jaguar, Jesus, jello, jeans, jacket, jeep, John, jelly, jar


  • First, have your child spell June.
  • Then ask him for words with initial sound /j/.
  • Then ask: How many days we have in a week?   What day are we in? What is the date? (Say day, month, number, year) Example: Today is Thursday  Friday 12, the year 2020.
  • Have the children count forward from 1-10, and from 10 to 1.
  • Count in ordinals from 1st- 5th.


Growing and Changing

Aim: The children will realize how much they are growing and changing physically.

Vocabulary Words: change, grow, baby, adult, infant

  • I will explain to the children that living things grow and change.
  • Have the the children match  animal babies with their mother.
  • Show children infant cloth, then compare the cloth with some samples of clothing they might wear now.
  • Then I will ask the children the following questions: How have you grown since you were infant? How has growing helped you learn new skills? What would you like to learn now? What do you need to do in order to learn that skill?
  • I will display a picture, have the child identify its picture, and tell how he/she has grown and changed.
  • Have the children color themselves in in the outline provided.


Main Idea, Make predictions

Aim: The children will listen to "The Ants and the Grasshopper" and will recognize the main idea and make predictions.

Vocabulary Words: main idea

  • I will ask the children to recall what the story "City Mouse Country Mouse" was about.
  • Ask the children what they learned from the story.
  • Then discuss city and country.
  • Then set a purpose for listening by asking the children to listen to find out what happens next in the story.
  • Remind the children  how listening for clues help them find the main idea.
  • Then read the tittle of the story "City Mouse, Country Mouse":
  • Then I stop and ask the following questions to make predictions: What do you think that City Mouse will like the food Country mouse is going to give him? Continue with the story and ask: Do you think Country Mouse would like City Mouse Food? Continue with the story and ask: What do you think the mice will do after they heard the cat? What do you think the Country Mouse is going to do?
  • Review story with the children.
  • Ask the children the following questions: What was the story about? What was the problem in the story? Do you think Country Mouse will visit City Mouse again?  Do you think the City Mouse will visit Country Mouse again? Why? 


Groups of 8 and 9

Aim: The  children will learn to:
  • Make groups of 8 and 9
  • Identify groups of 8 and  9

Vocabulary Words: groups, eight, and nine, create

  • First tell your child to listen to a story called "If You Give Moose a Muffin":
  • Then  make 9 muffins out of construction paper
  • Then ask your child to solve the problem: The moose was hungry and wanted to eat muffins, so he ask the child to give him 8 muffins.
  • Then I will ask: How many muffins did the moose want? Can you make a group of eight muffins? Is that a group of 8 or 9?
  • Then continue with the story.
  • I will have have the children add one more muffin and ask: If you have a group of 8 how many more do you need to make a group of 9? How do you know you have eight muffins? What did you to to find out? What was the last number you counted? 

Story Time:When I Grow Up by Peter Horn


Mrs. Fundora