

Monday, April 6, 2020

April 7, 2020

April 7, 2020

God bless you and your family,  and may He  keep you healthy and strong through out this pandemic. My prayers will be with you and your familyI hope to see all my students back soon!

I will be contacting the parents this week. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them. Also, please pick up your child's package at the school office. These are activities will be for your child to work at home. You could pick up your child's new package at school from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Bring your own plastic shopping bag. Those children who are more advance with the handwriting could work individually with the My Sight Words handwriting Book, and the other booklets. The addition booklet will be use for homework. 

I would like to inform the parents that I have been making phone call to find out how the family is doing, and to help you with your concerns about your child's work.  Also we are scheduling a Zoom meeting with the children tomorrow at 11:30 AM the ID#764-301-9104.

Spring Recess will begin on Thursday, April 9th, 2020, and will begin classes on April 20th. We will be posting our daily blog every day until Wednesday the 8th, and when we resume our Spring Break.

Lesson Plan for April 7, 2020

Pray:  Our Father

Pledge of Allegiance


Vocabulary Words: apple, alligator, acrobat, ant, astronaut, ox, again, alphabet, acorn, 
  • First, have your child spell April
  • Then ask him for words with initial sound /a/.
  • Then ask: How many days we have in a week?   What day are we in? What is the date? (Say day, month, number, year) Example: Today is Monday,  April 6, the year 2020.
  • Have the children count forward from 1-10, and from 10 to 1.
  • Count in ordinals from 1st- 5th.
  • Have your child sing  "There are Seven Days"


Aim: The children will watch video and will and will tell which is their favorite bible story. 


Aim: The children will listen to The great Big turnip and discuss growing things.

Vocabulary Words: seeds, turnip, pull, soup, bread, jam, juice, grew

  • First, ask your child to name their favorite food.
  • Then tell your child that many of their food comes from plants like: lettuce, broccoli, beans, rice, tomato.
  • Then have your child watch:
  • Ask: Who are the characters? What did the old man plant? What happened to the plant?  What was the problem? How did they solve the problem? What did they make from from the turnip?
Homework: Write child's name 3 X.


Aim: The children will learn to solve subtraction problems by acting them out.

Vocabulary Words: left 
  • First present a the following story problem. For example: Farmer Amayah has six tomatoes. Rylan buys two of the tomatoes. How many tomatoes Amayah have left?
  • Explain to the children that by acting out the problem can help them solve the problem.
  • Then give your child the following story problem to solve: Kira had five cupcakes. Zoe buys four. How many cupcakes Kira has left?
  • Continue repeat the activity with different objects and numbers.
Homework:  Write the numbers 4-6 in the notebook  3 X each.

Story Time: Flop-Ear by Guido Van Genechten

Aim: The children will learn to accept other differences, and treat them the same.

Vocabulary Words: ears, flop, sad

  • Have your your child describe a rabbit.
  • Then talk about his ears. (Some have their ears up and some down.)
  • The tell your child to listen carefully to the story "Flop-Ear".
  • Then ask to compare the rabbits' ears. 
  • Let you child continue with the story.
  • Then ask:What did Flo-Ears problem? what did he do to straighten up his ear? What did the other rabbits do to him? What did the doctor say to him? What did the other rabbits do to make Flop-Ears feel better? 
  • Finally, explain to your child that God created everyone different, beautiful, and unique.


  • Have your child draw or color.
  • Have your child pray every morning.
  • Read to your child every day and ask questions.
  • Help in the daily chores.
  • Play games on ABCya!
  • Play Alphabet or Number Bingo, I Spy, legos, puzzles, exercise, or meditate.


Mrs. Fundora