

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 29, 2020

Dear Parents;

I will  also like to inform you that I will be contacting  parents this week. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them. Also,   you could  pick up your child's package at the school office from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. These are activities will be for your child to work at home. The addition booklets will be use for homework.

I would like to inform the parents that I have been making phone call again to find out how the family is doing, and to help you with your concerns about your child's work. I'm going to have a Zoom on April 29th, 30th and May 1st at 11:00 AM. I will called a group of parents  for the Zoom conference. The ID# is 764-301-9104. The children will be divide into four groups. I will let you know your child's group, and when to log into Zoom.

Lessons for April, 29, 2020

Pray:  Our Father

Pledge of Allegiance:

  • Ask your child what the colors of the flag means : red means courage; white means peace and purity; blue means justice.
  • How many stars are in the american flag (50).


Vocabulary Words: apple, alligator, acrobat, ant, astronaut, ax, again, alphabet, acorn 

  • First, have your child spell April
  • Then ask him for words with initial sound /a/.
  • Then ask: How many days we have in a week?   What day are we in? What is the date? (Say day, month, number, year) Example: Today is Monday,  April 29, the year 2020.
  • Have the children count forward from 1-10, and from 10 to 1.
  • Count in ordinals from 1st- 5th.
  • Have your child sing  "There are Seven Days"



Aim:The children will become more aware of feelings. 

Vocabulary Words: feelings, sad, mad, happy, angry, exited

  • First, explain to your child that we have feelings. Sometimes we feel happy and sometimes we feel sad or angry.
  • I will show a video of people's different feelings.
  • Then have your child watch Name that Emotion:
  • Then ask  your child to explaining why each character feels different .
  • I will ask your child to share with you  what make them happy.
  • Then we will discuss and act out how we can tell whether someone is happy or sad.
  • Then ask: What are some of the emotion mentioned in the video? How do you feel when you don't get what you want? What can you do not to feel sad? (Talk about it.) What would you do if some is hurting someone? 
  • Summarize what we learned.


Name and write V v

Aim: Name and write V v.

Vocabulary words: violin, violets, valentine, van, vest, vine, vegetables


  • First, display the letters V and v.
  • Then have your child identify uppercase V and lowercase v.
  • Then ask: what kind of kind of lines we use when writing V and v.
  • Then introduce the lesson with :Hello Carrie
  • Then ask the to children echo-read.
  • Then introduce initial /v/ as in violin.
  • Have your child to identify words from Hello Carrie that begins with /v/, and use the words        in a sentence. Example: I like to play the violin.
  • Then ask: What sound does the letters V v makes? What words begins with initial /v/? 
  • Review  words with initial /v/.
  • Ask: What sound does the letters V and v make? What words begin with initial sound /v/?
  • Then model writing V and v for your child. 
  • Explain that use slant lines right and slant left from top to bottom,
  • Then have your child write Uppercase V in Handwriting Book P. 58.

  • Homework: P. 59 in Handwriting Book.


    Exploring Subtraction

    Aim: The children will learn to identify the equal sign; solve subtraction sentences; subtract from.

    Vocabulary Words: minus sign, equal sign, how many are left


    • First, have your child identify number 1-10, count forwards from 1-10, then backwards from 10-1.
    • Then ask your child children the following questions: What do we do in subtraction? What does the minus sign means? Where do we place the equal sign? Where do we write what is left?
    • Then have your child draw and cut four fish.
    • Then have your child  count them.
    • Then  tell the children a subtraction story sentence: There were four fish in a tank. A little boy bought three . How many fish are left? How did you  solve the problem? What sign tells you to subtract?
    • Have your child solve other subtraction subtraction story using fish.

    Homework: Write and solve in the notebook (6-5=? )

    Story Time: I Was So Mad by Mayer:


    • Have your child draw or color.
    • Have your child pray every morning.
    • Read to your child every day and ask questions.
    • Help in the daily chores.
    • Play games on ABCya!
    • Play Alphabet or Number Bingo, I Spy, legos, puzzles, exercise, or meditate.
    • Starfall. com
    • Exercise every day.


    Mrs. Fundora