

Monday, March 30, 2020

March 31, 2020

March 30, 2020

I hope you and your family stay healthy and that God guide through our hard time. My prayers will be with you and your family.

I will be contacting the parents this week. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them. Also, please pick up your child's package at the school office. These are activities will be for your child to work at home. You could pick up your child's packages at school from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Those children who are more advance with the handwriting could work individually with the My Sight Words handwriting Book, and the other booklet. The addition booklet will be use for homework.

I would like to inform the parents that I have been making phone call to find out how the family is doing, and to help you with your concerns about your child's work. Also, we are trying set t Zoom Conference for my class. This is going to take place sometime this week. I might need your email, I will let you know.

Lesson Plan for March 30, 2020

Pray:  Our Father

Pledge of Allegiance


Vocabulary Words: mother, mop, monkey, miracles, money, Monday, me, mirror, Mary
  • First, have your child spell March
  • Then ask him for words with initial sound /m/.
  • Then ask: How many days we have in a week?   What day are we in? What is the date? (Say day, month, number, year) Example: Today is Monday,  March 30, the year 2020.
  • Have the children count forward from 1-10, and from 10 to 1.
  • Count in ordinals from 1st- 5th.
  • Have your child sing  "There are Seven Days"


Aim: The children will listen and answer questions about the bible story The Last Supper.

Vocabulary Words: miracles, parables, disciples, supper, enemies, arrest, bread, wine, betray

  • First, review Bible Stories with your child.
  • Then view the bible story:
  • Then review the story "The Last Supper" with your child.
  • The ask your child: What did Jesus and disciples celebrate? Who will betray Jesus? What does the bread means? What do the wine means? What does Jesus want his disciples and you to do? (Take care of others.)


Aim: The will listen to "The Ant and the Grasshopper" and will recognize the main idea.

Vocabulary Words: work, play, lazy, seasons

  • First, tell your child the importance of saving for for the future.
  • Then tell your child that they are going to listen to a story called "The Ant and the Grasshopper".
  • Then tell your child that at home and school the have time to play and time to work.
  • Then have your child view the following video "The Ant and the Grasshopper", and listen to the most important details.
  • Then have you and your child review the story.
  • Then ask your child: What season are talked about in the story? (spring, summer, fall winter) What was the story about? (ants working to prepare for winter and grasshopper who would rather not work)  Why the grasshopper din't want to work during the summer? (He was lazy and wanted to play and not work? What happened to the grasshopper in the winter? Do you think he learned a lesson? What did he learned?
  • Review the story with your child.

Aim: The children will learn to identify the equal sign and solve addition sentence with sums to 6.

Vocabulary Words: plus sign, equal sign, sum.


  • First, display two addition sentences, one with and one without an equal sign.
  • Have your child tell what is different about the second addition sentence.
  • Then have your child watch :
  • Have your child solve the addition problems on the video game.
  • I your child can not log in, have him use , coins, legos, or crayons.
  • Then have them solve and addition and say. For example: 5 crayons + 1 = 6 crayons.
  • Have your child say and solve other addition problems.
Homework: Add it Up booklet p.12.

Note: The children will not do vertical addition.

Social Studies:

The children will learn to explore their job at home and school and realize that their main job at school is to learn.

Vocabulary Words: job, work


  • First, explain to your child what you do in your job.
  • Then ask your child what is their at home, or at school.
  • Then discuss the importance of helping at home and in school by completing job at school.
  • Ask: How is my job and your job at school different? What would happen if no one in your family helped at home? 
  • Then tell your child why it is important to help at home.
Story Time: Lets Work Together

Aim: The children will learn to work together.

Vocabulary Words: united, cooperate
  • Then review the story.
  • Ask: Who are the characters? What was the problem in the story? Who helped free the doves from the net? What did the doves tell the mouse? What did you learned from the story?

Here are some beautiful worship songs:
-“Hail Mary” by The Rennas, an echo song.

-“A Gift to You” worship song.

-“I’ve Got Peace Like A River”

-"Thank You Jesus"

  • Have your child draw or color.
  • Have your child pray every morning.
  • Read to your child every day and ask questions.
  • Help in the daily chores.
  • Play Alphabet or Number Bingo, I Spy, legos, exercise, puzzles, or meditate.


Mrs. Fundora