

Sunday, March 22, 2020

March 23rd, 2020

March 23, 2020

Dear Parents,

I hope you and your family stay healthy and that God guide through our hard time. My prayers will be with all of you and your family.

I will be contacting the parents this week. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them. Also, please pick up your child's package at the school office. These are activities will be for your child to work at home.

Lesson Plan for March 23rd, 2020

Our Father


  • Spell March
  • Ask for words with initial sound /m/
  • Ask how many days we have in a week
  • Ask your child: How many days we have in a week? What day we are in? What is the date?
  • Have your child sing  "There are Seven Days"

The children will review Jesus' Miracles

Vocabulary Words:
miracles, parables, disciples


  • Review Bible Stories with your child.
  • View  Bible Story
  • Tell the children that God gave us Jesus as His gift to us.
  • Discuss the many miracles Jesus performed.
  • Then ask: What did the beggar shout? What happened to the blind man? What did Jesus do to the blind man? (Cured the blind man) What is that called? (A miracle)
Phonics and Phonemic awareness:

The Letters Q q

Aim: The children will identify uppercase Q and lowercase q, and identify the initial sound /kw/.

Vocabulary Words:
quarter, quilt, quack, queen, question, quail


  • Write uppercase Q and q.
  • Then have your child identify uppercase Q and lowercase q.
  • Tell your child that the letters Q and q make the /kw/ sound.
  • Then tell the children that quarter, quilt, quack, queen, question, and quail begins with the /kw/ sound.
  • Give your child of sentences with those words.
  • Have the child view  "English Hello Carrie
  • Ask your child: What letters are Q and q? What sound does it make? Can you recall words with the /kw/ sound?
Phonics Home Work: Write the letters Q and q in note book three time each.



Aim: The children will learn to identify the plus and equal signs, and identify the sum of up to six objects.

Vocabulary Words: plus, equal, sum

  • Get "Add it Up" from the Math Booklet.
  • Turn to the first activity page, "How Many Are There?"
  • Ask the children to identify the plus and equal signs.
  • Then have the child solve the addition problem by counting the two groups together and tell how many they have in all.
  • Ask your child to tell tell the addition sentence and identify the sum.
  • Have the your child do the same with the other addition problems.
  • Song:

Math Home Work: Activity Page 2 from How Many Are There?

Water Transportation:

Aim: The children will learn how we use water to move from one place to another using water as our means of transportation.

Vocabulary Words: transport, sail boat, yacht, ship, submarine, canoe, fishing boat, speed boat, ferry boat, jet skis, row boats

  • Explain to your child that we use water transportation to travel from one place to another, such as taking a cruise on a ship.  We also use water transportation to bring goods from one place to another, such as bring toys from one country to ours, or from our to another country.
  • Have the children Watch
  • Review what the child saw. 
  • Ask:
    • What are some modes of transportation? 
    • What is your favorite? 
    • Why?
  • Ask your child to draw their favorite means of transportation.
Story Time: "When Spring Comes" by Pink Fong
  • Tell the children that spring is here and that during spring many animals that are hibernating come out of their hibernation.
  • Ask the children to listen carefully to the video because they are going to find out what happened to bear.
  • Have the children view video "When Spring Comes!"
  • Ask the children the following questions: 
    • Who are the characters? 
    • What was the problem? 
    • What did the bear's friends planned to do to wake up bear?
    • What did they find in the den? 
    • What did bear do at the end of the story? 
    • How did bear's friend feel when bear was up? 

Have your child draw or color.
Have your child pray every morning.
Read to your child every day and ask questions.
Help in the daily chores.


Mrs. Fundora