

Sunday, February 7, 2021

February 8th - February 12th, 2021

 Dear Parents;

On  Wednesday, Feb. 10th there will be a Valentines Party for our classroom. The children can dress up, and bring a bag of candy to share with their friends.

Also, remember that school will closed on Feb. 11th, 12th, and 15th. Please check your calendar for everything is going on the month of February.


Dress down on Fridays and bring a dollar.

Check with the for your child's extra clothing.
We need Clorox wipes.

Read Calendar carefully.

We are collecting $5 for Valentine's Day Party

Bring a bag of candy to share with friends.

Valentine's Party will be on Wednesday Feb. 10th (Dress up)

Practice with your child identifying and writing the letters of the alphabet, identifying number 0 - 10, and practice making groups of up to six objects, and joining in (Combine two groups of objects to make a larger group.)

Read to your child often.

Have your child complete activities on SeeSaw.

Lessons of the Week:

Religion: Valentine's Day

Reading: Recognizing words are made out of letters; distinguishing between short and long words; sequence: first, next, and last; position words: left, and right; identify sounds; listen for a purpose; dictate phrases about a favorite place.

Math: Joining In (Beginning addition)

Science: Pull and Push

Story Time: Froggy's First Kiss, Happy Valentine Mouse!, Franklin's Valentine

Lessons of the Week:  Please click here

Sincerely, Mrs. Fundora