

Monday, February 1, 2021

February 1st - February 5th, 2021

Dear Parents,

I would like to inform you that report cards will be sent home on Thursday Feb. 4th.  On February 5th. Children will be dismiss at 12:00 PM. for Parent Teacher Conferences. Email me for the time that is more convenient for you, and I will be giving out the Zoom ID and password on Wednesday.

On Feb. 11th and Feb. 12th school will be close. There will be a Professional Development on the 11th, and on the 12th is President's Day. Feb. 14th we will have a Valentine party and we are asking for $5 for the party.

Please make sure you review letters; letters/sound; numbers; and shapes with your child. Now we will begin learning about 3-D shapes (cones, sphere, cube, cylinder, and pyramid) practice identifying them.


Zoom ID and password will be sent home this week.

Early dismissal on Friday Feb. 5th.

School closed on Feb. 11th and 12th.

Dress down on Fridays and bring a dollar.

Check  for extra clothing.
We need Clorox wipes or any other disinfectant.

Read Calendar carefully.

We are collecting $5 for Valentine's Day Party

A bag of Candy (No hard candy)

Lessons of the Week:

Religion: Bible Stories: Walking on Water; Neighbor, Neighbor; Jesus's Friend Dies; The Lost Sheep

ReadingThe Nightingale: Locate pictures; discuss pictures; listen and respond to stories read aloud; follow directions; identify categories

Math: 3-D shapes (sphere, cone, cube, cylinder, and pyramid).

Science: How water flows.

Social Studies: Jobs

Story Time: Little Penguin's Tale; Touching the Moon 

Lessons of the Week:   Please click here

Sincerely, Mrs. Fundora