

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

First Day of School Sept. 9th, 2020

 Dear Parents:

I am delighted to welcome your child to our Pre-k program. I think this will be a joyous experience even with the on going of the Covid-19. We will take all the precautions to keep your child safe.

The following reminders:

  1. Pre-k children come in at 9:00 AM on Wednesday.
  2. Temperature will be check at the main entrance.
  3. Dismissal is at 3:00 PM.
  4. parents are to wait until the teacher calls to retrieve your child.
  5. Child must wear a mask.
  6. Children are allow to bring their own lunch if you wan to, however, if its warm food it has to be in a thermos.
  7. Have your child bring a frozen water bottle.
  8. Bring all paper work that will be sent home as soon as possible; specially the emergency 
  9. Label everything your child brings in.
  10. Velcro shoes for your child.
  11. No belts for the boys; make sure pants fit properly.
  12. Talk to your child about the positive experience he will have at school.
  13. If you need to speak to me, you must call to make an appointment. 

Mrs. Fundora