

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Jan. 27th, - Jan 31st, 2020

Dear Parents;

On January 31st, there an Early Dismissal at 12:00 noon due to Parent Teacher Conferences from 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM; please make sure to come to the conference.

Also, please make sure you review letters; letters/sound; numbers; and shapes with your child.

Dress down on Fridays and bring a dollar.

Check your child's cubby for extra clothing.

Breakfast must end at 8;00 AM not at 8:15.

We need Clorox wipes.

Lessons of the Week:

Religion: Caring for God's World

Reading: Identify Ll; Associate the letters L l to /l/ sound; write L l; letters sound correspondences J j, Kk, and Ll.

Math: Compose new shapes.

Social Studies: Taking Care of our natural resources.

Story Time: A Splendid Friend, The Naughty Shoe, Little Penguin's Tale

Lessons of the Week 
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Mrs. Fundora