

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Jan. 12th - Jan. 17th, 2020

Dear Parents;

I would like to inform you that there is an Early Dismissal at 20;00 on Monday Jan. 13th. After School Program will be in session.

Also, Parent Teacher Conferences will be on Jan. 31st from 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM; please make sure to come in.

On Wednesday Jan. 15th- National Hat Day. The children will be competing for their for the best made hat.

Dress down on Fridays and bring a dollar.

Check your child's cubby for extra clothing.

Breakfast must end at 8;00 AM not at 8:15.

Lessons of the Week:

Religion: Caring for God's World

Reading: Initial sound of J j; associate J j with the sound /j/; write J j; drawing conclusions; recognize part-whole relationship.

Math: Identifying a trapezoid and a hexagon; shapes in the real world.

Science: How animals stay warn.

Social Studies: Community Helpers

Story Time: Snow Family; Snowman at Night

Lessons of the Week 
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