

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Dec. 2nd - Dec. 6th, 2019

Dear Parents;

I hope you and your family had a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving. Also, thank you for your can donation.

I will like to remind you and your family members that pickup is at 3:15 p.m.  If the child is being picked up by an individual not already listed in the emergency card, parents must call the office with the name and the individual must present identification. Also at the After School Program the children have to be signed out.

Homework only the marked pages.

Dress down on Fridays and bring a dollar.

Check your child's cubby for their extra clothing.

We need baby wipes and Clorox wipes.

Lessons of the Week:

Religion:Advent; God's Creation

Reading: Matching G g to /g/; rhyming games; listen and respond to the read aloud "The elves and the Shoemaker"; understand parts of a whole; understand picture details; identify picture details; recognize word boundaries.

Math: Identify numbers 1-10; identify groups of 8 - 10 objects; make groups of 8 - 10 objects.

Science: Weather; seasons

Story Time: Hibernation Station; The Elves and the Shoemaker.

Poetry: Animal Homes

Lesson Plans of the Week 
Please click here:


Mrs. fundora