

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dec. 16th- Dec. 22, 2019

Dear Parents;

I will like to remind you and your family members that pickup is at 3:15 p.m.  If the child is being picked up by an individual not already listed in the emergency card, parents must call the office with the name and the individual must present identification. Also, at the After School Program the children have to be signed out.

On December 18th the children will be singing performing in church for Lessons an Carols at 8:30 AM. The girls must wear a red dress, boy must wear black pants and green sweater, turtle neck, or green shirt.

Also, I would like to remind parents that the flu shot is mandatory. New York Department of Health requires that all children in Prek and Kindergarten be vaccinated by December 31, 2019. Your child will not be allowed to return to school without proof of the flue shot.

Homework only the marked pages.

Dress down on Fridays and bring a dollar.

Check your child's cubby for their extra clothing.

We are asking for $5 for the Christmas Party.

No uniform on Thursday or Friday - Mrs. Santa will visit the children on Thursday.

Friday Dec. 22nd, there will an early dismissal @ 12:00. There will be no After School Program.

Lessons of the Week:

Religion: The Greatest Story; The Nativity

Reading: Identify H and h; Identify initial sound /h/ in words; Write H and h; Make a little book about "The Mitten".

Math: One Fewer, One More

Science: How animals move.

Story Time: Bear's First Christmas

Lessons of the Week 
Please click here:

I hope that you and your family members have a wonderful Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

Sincerely, Mrs. Fundora