

Sunday, April 7, 2019

4/8/19 to 4/12/19

Dear Parents,

Early dismissal Monday, April 8th at noon.

PreK Student and Parent  Hands-on Science Activities in the auditorium on Wednesday, April 10th at 9:00 AM. We would love to see all the parents involved in the activities.

Early dismissal Friday, April 12th at noon. Report Card distribution will be this Friday, April 12th. Parent-teacher conferences between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.  Easter break begins April 12th after dismissal.

School re-registration is due April 15th.  Summer Program Registration is due April 3rd. Please see Mrs. Resto regarding registration for the summer program.

Please check the cubbies to make sure your child extra clothing. Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather. Children should not walk into classroom with breakfast at 8:00 a.m.

Please immediately alert me and my staff if your child is allergic to any food or chemical. Please do not bring food with peanuts or sesame seeds (including food made with sesame seed oil) into the classroom.

Please bring in $5 for the Easter Party and a bag of candy/chocolate. No hard candy. Children may dress up for the party which will be on April 12th.

Lessons of the Week:
Religion: "New Life" and "The Story of Jesus as Told By Children"

Reading: Making predictions, identifying the main idea, classifying and matching opposites

Math: Subtraction

Story Time: "The Easter Egg" and "'Goodnight Little Bunny"

Lessons of the Week
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