

Sunday, April 28, 2019

4/29/19 to 5/3/19

Dear Parents,

Welcome back!

Picture Day is May 7th.  Please note that Muffins with Mom has been changed to Thursday May 9, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.

There are 5 openings still available for parents wishing to enroll their child in the PreK Summer Program with Mrs. Fundora. Please see Mrs. Resto regarding registration.

Please check the cubbies to make sure your child extra clothing. Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather. Children should not walk into classroom with breakfast at 8:00 a.m.
Please immediately alert me and my staff if your child is allergic to any food or chemical. Please do not bring food with peanuts or sesame seeds (including food made with sesame seed oil) into the classroom.

Lessons of the Week:

Religion: Caring for God's World; Growing and Changing

Reading: Identifying opposites; classifying initial sound for /q/ and /r/

Math: Exploring subtraction

Science: Conserving our resources; plant life cycle

Social Studies: Water transportation

Story Time: "Tops and Bottom"

Lessons of the Week 
Please click here:


Mrs. Fundora