

Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 11th, 2021


Dear Parents;

I would like to inform you that there is an Early Dismissal at 2:00 on Monday Jan. 11th. If you cannot pick up your child schedule for someone to pick him up, however, he/she must bring an ID if they are not in the Emergency Card. 

Also, I would like to inform the parents that the children could log into SeeSaw to the assigned activities. The children who have joined are having a lot of fun.

On Friday Jan. 15th- National Hat Day. The children can make their own hats or wear their favorite one. Also, School will be close on Monday Jan. 18th.


Dress down on Fridays and bring a dollar.

Early dismissal on Monday at 12:00 PM

Friday Jan 15th- National Hat Day (Be creative)

Lessons of the Week:

Religion: Caring for God's World, The Boy Jesus, Jesus and John

Reading: Initial sound I i and  J j; associate J j with the sound /j/; write J j; drawing conclusions.

Math: Identifying a trapezoid and a hexagon; shapes in the real world.

Story Time: Snow Family; the tiny Snowflake

Lessons of the Week:  Please click here