

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Dec. 14th - Dec. 18th, 2020

Dear Parents;

I will like to remind you and your family members that pickup is at 3:00 p.m.  If the child is being picked up by an individual not already listed in the emergency card, parents must call the office with the name and the individual must present identification. Also, on December 18th there will be an early dismissal at 2:00 PM. Christmas Recess will begin on Dec. 21st and we will resume on Jan. 4th.

On December 17th the children will be singing performing at Lessons and Carols. This will be recorded for the parents to view, I will give you more details when get more information .The girls must wear a red dress, boy must wear black pants and green sweater, turtle neck, or green shirt. And I'm  asking for $5 ,and a bag of chocolate candy for the party. Also, I would like to  wish your your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


We need paper towel, and Lisol wipes, or Clorox wipes

Homework only the marked pages.

Dress Upon Thursday and Friday

Check your child's cubby for their extra clothing.

We are asking for $5 for the Christmas Party, and a bag of chocolate.

No uniform on Thursday or Friday 

Friday Dec. 22nd, there will an early dismissal @ 2:00 PM.

Recess will begin on Dec. 21st. and we will resume on Jan, 4th.

Lessons of the Week:

Religion: The Greatest Story; The Nativity

Reading: Same/different, comparing sizes, sequence of events, and identifying rhyming words

Math: Identify circle, square, triangle, rectangle , and their attribute.

Science: How animals move, and animal's home

Story Time: Humphrey's First Christmas, The very First Christmas.

Lessons of the Week: Please click here