

Sunday, April 15, 2018

4/16/18 to 4/20/18

Dear Parents,

Parents should have received an online survey to complete this past Wednesday from the Archdiocese of New York regarding the upcoming school evaluation. If you did not receive the survey or need help completing it, please contact Mr. Guzman in the school office.
I will be coordinating the Summer Program again this year for students in PreK, Kindergarten and First grades. Information flyers were sent home. If you have questions please see Mrs. Resto in the tuition office by Friday, April 20th.

Lessons of the Week:

Reading: Listening and responding to stories read aloud, identifying key details, discussing pictures, making comparisons

Religion: Belong to a Special Family

Math: Subtraction

Science: Life cycle of a plant, using natural resources, comparing seeds, information that a seed carries on

Social Studies: Transportation, identifying modes and means of transportation

Lesson Plans of the Week 
Please click here:


Mrs. Fundora