

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

2/15/16 to 2/19/16

Dear Parents,

Thank you to those parents who came to see last week's Valentine's Day show.

Please pay the re-registration fee through Smart Tuition if you plan to enroll your child in PreK-2 (Ms. Rodriguez's class). You must still use the Apply Now application method. If you are unsure, please see Alba or Brianna in the office.  Tuition for September 2016 will be due June 15th for all students entering PreK-1, PreK-2 and Kindergarten so Mr. Woods may make decisions on staffing for September and also decide whether or not a second Kindergarten class will be opened.

Students participating in the Lip Sync contest this year will be having a bake sale this Thursday during lunch. Please support the students and buy some baked goods.  Stations of the Cross this Friday at 10:30 a.m. in the Church.


Mrs. Fundora