

Sunday, October 6, 2013

10/7/13 - 10/11/13

Dear Parents,

Below are this week's lesson plans.  Please take note that this Friday is noon dismissal.

Teach your child their home address in case there is an emergency.  Discuss and/or make a fire safety plan for your home.

Review the letters Aa, Bb, and Oo and their corresponding sounds.  As we are in the month of October, we are reviewing words that begin with Oo.  The following are a list of words to review:
  1. over
  2. on
  3. off
  4. oven
  5. out
  6. otter
  7. ostrich,
  8. ocean
  9. octopus
  10. ox
For Halloween, the children are to come to school already dressed in their costumes.  Pre-K and Kindergarten will have a Halloween Parade in the school.  The parents are invited to join the fun for the parade only.  Pre-K 1 will have a Halloween Party after the parade.  Parents are asked to bring in $5 for McDonalds for the party.  Parents are able to send candy to the class for the party, but please consult with me as to the type of candy allowed.  


Mrs. Fundora





Social Studies