

Sunday, November 26, 2017

11/27/17 to 12/1/17

Dear Parents,

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Thank you so much for the canned food drive.  A total of 1,187 cans were collected and 12 turkeys were purchased for the outreach program of St. Patrick's Home. The Confirmation Class delivered all the cans and turkeys last Monday, November 20th to the home in time for distribution before Thanksgiving.

This Monday, November 27th, there is noon dismissal. After school program will be in session.

Check your child's cubby to make sure he/she has a change of clothes.

Lessons of the Week:

Reading: Reviewing letters Dd, Ee, Ff; identifying Gg and its corresponding sound

Religion: God's Creation

Math: Groups of 7 and 8 objects; recognizing numbers 7 and 8

Science: Weather

Social Studies: Safety rules

Story Time: "The Mitten" and "The Gingerbread Man"

Lessons of the Week 
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Mrs. Fundora