

Sunday, October 1, 2017

10/1/17 to 10/6/17

Dear Parents,

The annual blessing of domestic animals will occur on Wednesday during the 9:00 AM Mass.  Students may bring animals from home for this blessing. If dogs or cats are being brought to school they must return home with a parent after Mass.

Lessons of the Week:

Religion - the five senses and the life of St. Francis
Math - patterns (shape, rhythm, color, size)
Reading - following directions, listen for a purpose, understand story structure, match pictures, recall story elements
Science - the five senses (identify them and tell how each sense help them learn about living and non-living things)
Story time - "La Cucarachita Martina" and "The Tale of the Coyote and the Rabbit"

Lesson Plans of the Week 
Please click here:


When you drop your child at school, please leave the classroom as soon as possible.  There are children who become very agitated when they see other parents around and not their own.  So please drop your child off in the classroom and leave as soon as possible.


Mrs. Fundora