Dear Parents,
As you are aware of, there are changes to the snack rules due to Article 43. Children are to bring a snack that does not require heating. This means a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a juice, or something similar. We will not be heating anymore food in the microwave.
Below are this week's lesson plans. Note, we will have a Valentine's Day party on Friday. Please bring $3 for your child and a bag of soft candy for the party. Children are also open to bringing Valentine's Day cards for their classmates. If you are going to bring cards, please be mindful to bring one card per child and leave no child out of the sentiment. Please bring the money, candy and cards on Thursday so we may organize it all for the party.
Friday is also Red Day, so students are permitted to wear Red shirt, pants and/or skirt without needing a NUT card. Noon dismissal that day.
Mrs. Fundora